“Protecting Your Business And Customers in These Turbulent Times”
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Noon Central Time (1 p.m. Eastern, 10 a.m. Pacific)
To kick off ACUMA’s new Workshop on the Go series, please join Dale Vermillion, a mortgage industry veteran with more than 20 years as a trainer, speaker and consultant, for a free live presentation on “Protecting Your Business and Customers in These Turbulent Times.”
Vermillion’s hour-long presentation will touch on many important points for protecting your business, including business and consumer challenges and resulting opportunities during the coronavirus; managing, nurturing, protecting and closing existing pipelines; managing remote teams; maintaining high focus and morale with your teams; mortgage origination strategies; properly utilizing technology to meet today’s needs, and more.
ACUMA President Tracy Ashfield will moderate the session, reviewing questions from attendees.
This Workshop On the Go presentation will use the Zoom platform, so be sure you can access it. Space is limited, so register early. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the live event.
ACUMA members will be able to access the recorded on-demand presentation at their convenience and share it with staff. The presentation will be available in the “members only” section of the ACUMA website a few days after the live event. The Zoom app is not required to view the recorded version.
About The Speaker
A national consumer advocate, Vermillion is the author of the book “Navigating the Mortgage Maze” and has been featured on FoxBusiness, MoneyWise and numerous radio programs. He is also the founder of Mortgage Professionals Providing Hope (mpph.org), a not-for-profit charity to provide financial assistance to those in need in the U.S. and abroad. He has trained more than a million mortgage professionals representing 450 lenders.