NCUA Board Chairman J. Mark McWatters will address a general session of the ACUMA Fall Conference on its opening day, Monday, September 25, in Las Vegas.

McWatters, who has served on the NCUA Board since 2014 and as chairman since earlier this year, will provide insights into what NCUA’s priorities will be as we move into 2018 and beyond.

Previously, McWatters served as the Assistant Dean for Graduate Programs and as a Professor of Practice at Southern Methodist University’s Dedman School of Law, and as an Adjunct Professor at the university’s Cox School of Business. He also served on the Governing Board of the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs and the Advisory Committee of the Texas Emerging Technology Fund.

As announced speakers, J. Mark McWatters joins Jessica Lautz, the Director of Survey Research and Communications for the National Association of Realtors (NAR); Steve Williams, co-founder of Cornerstone Advisors and an expert on banking operations and delivery systems; Kristin Messerli, an expert on developing strategies to recruit and retain young talent; and Luke Williams, one of the world’s leading business thinkers on innovation strategy and business disruptors.

The ACUMA Conference will be held at the Bellagio Resort and Casino on the colorful Las Vegas Strip. The event begins with an opening reception on Sunday night, September 24, and ends its final session about 3 p.m. on Wednesday, September 27. The conference features a “digital” focus on new technology and disruptors to the traditional mortgage pipeline

[callout title=”REGISTER NOW” link=”″]Conference registration is open.  Once registered, you can follow the link to hotel registration for the dates you need. Early registration assures you of room reservations at the conference site and allows you to get the best air fares by booking ahead.[/callout]

We’ve just posted the agenda, which features the latest information on critical mortgage-lending topics with nationally known speakers, as well as special events, such as the inaugural Digital Mortgage Showcase where you can learn more about the latest in digital solutions at live demos. For updated information visit the ACUMA website here.


ACUMA offers a fillable “Request to Attend” the conference document on our website here. [icon name=”icon-file-alt” size=”small” color=”” float=”left” link=” Conference 2017-Registration Request.docx” new_tab=”yes”]It provides details about the conference, including topics, speakers, dates, location and registration cost. It’s a great way to help your manager understand the benefits the conference provides.

The ACUMA Conference brings together the nation’s top mortgage-lending credit unions and the industry’s leading experts for three days of learning and networking. We hope to see you in Las Vegas in September.

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Bob DorsaBob Dorsa is the president of ACUMA, the American Credit Union Mortgage Association. Contact him at or (877) 442-2862.

Publish Date

August 7, 2017


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